Why bugs seem worse in the middle of the night
Of all the things you choose in life, you don’t get to choose what your nightmares are. You don’t pick them; they pick you. John Irving
At work there is never enough time to complete all your tasks. To-do lists grow instead of shrinking. Problems become emergencies, and it can feel like we are one step away from disaster.
When you wake up in the night, bugs seem worse because you can’t do anything about them except think and worry. Like fear, problems expand in size as your brain helpfully thinks about the possibilities of things going wrong and the consequences.
Work cannot be beaten, it can’t be completed, and you don’t win it. When you finish the work you have, the reward is more work. Daily work is a like running on a hamster wheel, sometimes you need to step back and make sure it’s aimed in the right direction before you starting running.
Effort will bring limited rewards because you are limited to the number of work hour in a day. Significant progress comes from thinking, changing approach, improving processes and scaling.
Problems seem like emergencies, when people react emotionally it blocks rational thought. You need to…