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The 10 universal laws of developer stupidity
It’s the problems you don’t expect that cause the most damage and you never expect the stupidity of your own developers
“Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.” ― Rick Cook
I read the article the five universal laws of human stupidity and it made me think about the stupid things I have done and seen other developers do.
Stupid acts are not premeditated or malicious, which is why they can cause so much damage because no one is expecting them.
You can’t defend against stupidity because no one predicts members of their own team will do something to hurt the team.
Unexpected problems on projects cause the most disruption. You can attempt to mitigate these problems by predicting what might go wrong using a premortem, Defining your project problems, helps you avoid them
A stupid developer is the most dangerous person in development because no is expecting a…