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Developers Are Professional Problem Solvers First, Coders Second
Development is a game of thinking
“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” Albert Einstein
The traditional image of a developer is a code monkey, locked away in a room (remotely now) writing code with their headphones on and fuelled by coffee.
Developers are more than the code they write and the software they create. Software development is thinking, problem solving and following the development process.
You don’t have to be smart to write code, all developers can do it. Writing code is the last step in the process of software development, the hard part is thinking that proceeds it.
Why problem solving not coding?
Developers write code and create software to do exactly what they tell it. The difficulty works out what the code should do and how the software should work.
Developers spend only 50 percent of their time writing code, its only half the job and the other half works out what to write.